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Association of Kenya Medical Laboratory Scientific Officers

The Association of Kenya Medical Laboratory Scientific Officers (AKMLSO), is a registered professional body founded in 1964. It is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that represents all medical laboratory scientific officers throughout Kenya for the overall development of medical laboratory science.

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Our Vision

Ensuring excellence in medical laboratory practice in the Republic of Kenya and beyond

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Our Mission

To advance and maintain high standards of medical laboratory services by adhering to strict professional practice

Our Approach

AKMLSO recognizes that medical laboratory professionals have the responsibility to contribute to the provision of quality health care services.
In this regard, the Association initiates timely discussions with relevant bodies, including KMLTTB, to bring about desirable professional changes and ensure that professional demands are taken into account in national policy making.

Furthermore, the Association establishes collaborative working relationships with other health care professionals and regulatory bodies, the Ministry of Health and health research institutions to undertake health care programmes and activities that benefit the practitioners and the public.

To promote excellence in medical laboratory practice, the Association has initiated The White Microscope Award which is aimed at recognizing the best-run Medical Laboratories countrywide. It is awarded on World Laboratory Day, commemorated every year on April 15 AKMLSO further contributes to the advancement of the profession by improving the profession’s body of knowledge and by seeking fair socio-economic working conditions for its members.

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